STRT1UP Roadshow Premier Sponsor:
The University of Maryland at College Park and UMD Discovery District, located within miles of the White House and U.S. Capitol, are undergoing a revolution of impressive proportions. With over $1 billion of construction on and off campus, you’ll want to attend IC2018 to learn more about this vibrant and transformative region.
Recipient of AURP’s 2015 Research Park of the Year Award, you’ll want to view firsthand the growth, collaboration and partnership opportunities available for you and your park at IC2018.
Get fired up, inspired and informed at AURP IC2018 with:
50+ innovation leaders, professionals and knowledge-area experts
20+ keynoters, learning intensives, lightning round innovation exchanges, plus NEW value-added sessions
3+ tour options throughout the Baltimore-Washington Science Corridor, UMD Discovery District plus view the new growth within the UMD Campus
Fireside Chat: From the Skies to the Seas – Oh, the places Unmanned Aircraft will go!
Julie Lenzer; Pramod Raheja
Date: October 24, 2018
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Address: 7777 BALTIMORE AVE. // COLLEGE PARK, MD 20740